Meet The Team

as Kay McBride (40s)
Godly, bright, fun and extremely discerning-- Kay is a woman who brings stability, joy and laughter to her home. She passes wise counsel to her husband, kiddos, and her community.
Growing up during The Depression, Kay has that "never give up" grit ingrained in her and is quick to roll-up-her-sleeves and lend a helping hand to anyone in need. She is a blessing to all who come her way but a fierce mama bear to anyone threatening her family!
A true Proverbs 31 woman, she pushes back on the world's version of a liberated woman; because her liberation comes through her faith, not by burning her bra! Kay is a pivotal character in the series and especially in the episodes "Baby-Sittin' Blues" and "Grace and Mercy".
Kay's home is the neighborhood's place of refuge. A warm and inviting home where you are greeted with the love of Christ.

as John McBride (40s)
John McBride is a man of God, husband to his loving wife, Kay, and father to four, wonderful children! He has a heart for the kids of the Ojai Valley who are lost in the 1970's hippy culture and the many cults in their community. He is the Recreation Director for the city and teaches the high school Sunday school class at his local church; where he leads the teens into a deeper walk with Jesus Christ!
When not at work, he is the backbone of his family, working on their modest home in a track near the foothills of the Ojai Mountains. He takes his family on adventures and will invest in one-on-one time with his children on Saturday mornings.
He takes his family on camping adventures, goes fishing (fresh and sea water), target practice, plays sports and ministers to his neighbors while shining a beacon of light in his home and neighborhood. A "Son of Ojai", John is a stellar example and a pillar in his community.

as Steven McBride (10)
Ten-year-old Steven is the 3rd child of John and Kay and is the funny, handsome, quirky kid who loves Jesus, his family, John Wayne and has a huge puppy-dog crush on his 5th grade classmate, Kerry Campanella!
Steven has a kind heart and is obedient to his parents, his teacher at school and at church, and has loads of respect for his friends, neighbors, paper route customers and a deep love for America! Sometimes Steven will daydream about Kerry, playing in a band (when he hears a song on the radio), or being in a John Wayne film. Steven loves music and takes acoustic guitar lessons, writes short stories, and builds WWII model airplanes. He and his kid-brother, Mikey, sometimes quarrel -- mostly because Mikey can be such an antagonist; but he still loves him and includes him with his pals: Ricky and Mark. Especially when they ride bikes downtown Ojai for ice cream or their other favorite-- corn burritos with mile-high cheese and hot sauce!

as Mr. Radke (50s)
Abrupt and unkind, Mr. Radke is the neighborhood crank! Unfortunately for Steven, he and his wife Gladys are on his paper route.
Steven has been subject to his door slamming and his occasional outbursts of "Bah" as he faithfully delivers the paper each day.
A real life WWII German Luftwaffe fighter pilot, Mr. Radke has deep-seated hard feelings. Not just from losing the war, but from the aftermath-- his own countrymen, how they blamed him and his comrade's for "loosing the war" effort.
Moving to America, he hoped he could ditch his dark, haunted past, but the PTSD follows him everywhere. As the season proceeds, we see how little Steven McBride shines the light of Christ and has a positive impact on him, even on old Mr. "Cranky" Radke.

as Mrs. Radke (40s)
Mrs. Radke is the kind-hearted, brow-beaten wife of WWII fighter ace Mr. Radke. She is introduced to us in an alarming scene in the pilot, "A New Adventure".
She is charming and loves living in the quaint, small town of Ojai, California.
After many years of abuse from her estranged husband, the McBride family comes to her rescue with a warm, Christian embrace. Kay McBride, especially, begins to build courage and godly wisdom into Gladys as the season progresses. Gladys has to learn how to live life in a non-turbulent manner. In turn, she joins Kay in her weekly home-grown children's Bible study-- The Good News Club, and also attends the women's Bible study at their home church. She can whip up a scrumptious meal and at the same time tantalize your taste buds with outstanding desserts!

as Captain Rex Johnson (50s)
The perpetual bachelor, Ventura County Fire Captain Rex Johnson is always on the go and lives life to its fullest. Each month as Steven McBride comes collecting the news-paper bill of $3.50, Mr. Johnson displays a "big brother" likeness to the spunky paperboy. Even to the point of encouraging Steven to consider becoming a Fireman once he is 18, as he will train and mentor him himself! Steven always replies, "If it is the Lord's will."
He is the neighborhood "Mr. Fix-It" and is always ready to lend a helping hand with a can-do attitude.
Much like Fonzie on Happy Days, Mr. Johnson always has a different girlfriend in each episode and even though he tries to impress his friends with his bevy of gal pals, there is a loneliness beneath the swagger.
Fortunately for Rex, little Steven McBride has a positive impact on this heroic member of the Ojai community.

as Warner Baxter (18)
Warner Baxter is the cool teenager who works at Wells Sport Center and is looked up to by the younger kids as "The Fonz", building the bicycles there. He is ruggedly handsome, nonchalant and is a football player for his Ojai hometown's local public school-- sporting his gold 'n' blue jersey for the Nordhoff Rangers!
Growing up in a faith-based, middle class home, Warner has the knack of being a friend to everyone, who generally does the right thing... most of the time! He can sometimes get into trouble with his misfit pals, Morris and Floyd.
A natural poet and music connoisseur, he has a fleet of 8 track tapes in the backseat of his '60s muscle car and you can hear him coming a mile away!

as Kerry Campanella (10)
Cute and caring is how you would describe Steven's 5th grade crush, Kerry Campanella!
Kerry comes from a family of 5 who attend a different church up the street from Steven's family. Kerry has a determination to "keep up with the boys" and can ride her Schwinn bike as well as the guys and her Dad even takes her motocross racing on weekends! Kerry takes lessons playing the electric bass guitar and helps with music at church periodically. She is also that girl who see's another girl in 2nd hand clothing and a paper sack lunch that looks like it was picked up at the homeless shelter and sits with that lonely girl; to be a true friend. Kerry's kindness is clearly seen in her eyes and in her actions as she follows in the footsteps of Jesus.

as Mikey McBride (9)
Mikey McBride is the fourth child in the McBride family. Outspoken (not thinking before he speaks) he wears his temper on his sleeve. It also can get him into trouble and becomes a nightly focus at dinner-- how he behaved at school that day. One thing Mikey has is courage: and it doesn't stop him from standing up to the bullies!
His big brother, Steven, is a spectacular role model for Mikey as he follows Steven whenever he and his pals Ricky and Mark go pedaling-- on adventures downtown or in the nearby Ojai mountains (where he is king at catching snakes, tarantulas and horned toads)!
Rough around the edges, he can be a pest to his older siblings and helps his folks get more gray by the day. He loves Jesus and enjoys hearing Dad read bedtime stories.
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